mardi 9 février 2010

cours ter 11

TER 11/12
Tuesday the 9th of February
word of the day:
it was an emotional roller-coaster: my emotions went up and down
blimey= oh my god

1.Giving you back the annabac on poverty

2;Distributing my correction ( which would be most useful for the mock exam.So to be read)
1.The text is a first – person narative
2.The term « vagrant » could be defined with the help of line 27 of the text :
people « who beg and sleep rough on the streets . » According to the narrator , there are two types of vagrants : the old-fashioned school and the new ones.

3)We might at first surmize that the narrator is a middle-aged man who ust be single and quite well-off.We might draw these conclusions from the facts that he feels so lonely that he is tempted to push the button of his video entryphone to catch a glimpse of the persons walking by outside.
Moreover we might derive his age and wealth from the fact that he is living in a flat in the West End part of London, not that it is a posh area but living anywhere in London proves anyway expensive.Therefore only a middle-aged man with a well-paid job could afford such a place.

4.The second character is a homeless man. line 11 we can read « he looked young, with a pointed, foxy face and long, lank hair down over his chest. »
he is sleeping in a sleeping-bag in the porch of the narrator's flat.
5.a)False line 6 « last night for no particular reason.. »
b) True line 13 « I felt quite shocked... »
c)True line 7 and 8 « I suppose it's surprising it hasn't happened before... »
d)False line 10 « this bloke was sitting up ... »

6.He felt first quite shocked because he had never witnessed such a scene on his porch before.But then this feeling was replaced by one of anger as he resent the fact that a hobbo should take the whole space and thus prevent people from going in or out and finally that it lowered the value of his property.
line 13 to 17 « He was taking the whole porch ....lowered the tone of the property to have him camped there. »

7. The three mans he felt inclined to use were :
a) going downstairs himself to tell him to go away BUT he couldn't because he was already in pyjamas
b) calling the police BUT he doubted they would do anything about it considering the criminality rate in the neighbourhood.
c)having a new type of video phone which could have been used as a loudspeaker to tell off the guy.But at present he was not equipped with such gimmick .
8.As opposed to the older tramps, the new vagrants were ususally well-dressed.Moreover , unlike the old type of hobboes, the new vagrants refused to hide in corners but would stand in staircases and doorways so that you could not avaoid seeing them.

9.He felt uncomfortable seeing the new vagrants since as they were more conspicuous ( = visible) he viewed them as an implicit accusation against him that he was not helping them and that he was not charitable enough.

10. he blames them for not trying harder to get a job or a form of shelter somewhere away from his sight.
the last dreadful catastrophy in Hiati do remind us that life is a fragile thing and that happiness does not last.Moreover television nowadays by bringing us news from the other side of the planet do inform us on the misery that exists in forlorn désolé/ abandonné) countries.
Therefore one is bound to ask oneself , what we would be ready to do to relieve the world's misery?
We might mention here the different form of help that one could select from.
First we might be willing to give some donations to a charity or to specific individuals.
I rekon this form of help is quite easy and thus I would feel tempted to choose that mode of aid being a bit lazy myself.
If it was otherwise i would have the option of joining a charity organization such as medecin sans frontieres , Unicef or one of the thousands chairities that are supplying food and equipment to the destitute in the world.
That is quite time consuming and requires a strong and constant dedication that I don't think I would be up to.
Lastly, I could create my own charity to solve a problem that would particularly moved me.One of the most inspirational shows for me is CNN's Heroes of the year thanks to which you can nominate someone you know who is doing a stupendous act of generosity to help his fellow humanbeings.Last edition introduced us to a man who had created an orphanage in Philippines where he was raising 47 kids from his own pocket. There was also a bus driver who after his day's work would serve 140 meals everyday to the homeless of NY.
Although I view these people as being rôle models whose action should be praised and copied, I do not feel strong enough to do the same. So Giving money would be sadly enough the only act I might be able to do.

To conclude and coming back on the term of the subject, I don't think I would engage in any worldwide action because I believe, after (à l'instar de) the CNN heroes that you should first help your neighbours and thus the persons who are closer to home.And I have to say that this is the kind of worthy deeds I do everyday, looking after my elderly neighbour or trying to help passers-by as much as possible.Although worldwide action is not my thing, I am quite willing to go to extremes as far as close-by individuals are concerned.

il occupait toute l'entrée.Il serait impossible de rentrer or de sortir sans lui marcher dessus.Non pas que je souhaite rentrer ou sortir à nouveau ce soir, mais l'un des autres résidents pouvaient arriver, et dans tous les cas cela dévaluait le standing de l'immeuble d'avoir qulqu'un qui campait là.

3.Analysing the list of revision for the mock exam:

4.A NEW TOPIC : Would you like to participate to a reality TV show?
a)Definition:A reality TV show like Big Brother is a new format on TV which shows ordinary people in their everyday world or in very strange/ odd/ weird/ bizarre situations.
The show who is grabbing the largest share of the viewers at the moment is one such shows called the X factor.


I would love to participate as it would allow me to meet thousands of people.
Thus I would become a star/ a household name/a celebrity/
That would give me the opportunity to make the world laugh maybe on seeing me in the nude.I would not mind being ridiculous/looking foolish/being regarded as a nitwit/ as a stupid guy as long as I would win the prize.Moreover it would enabled me to show my talent to the world and become master of the singing realm.

On the other hand that would mean having no private life and seeing all the intimate details of my life exposed and splahed on gossip magazines.Moreover I am not blinded enough to believe that that kind of exposure and celebrity would last more than a very short period of time.I would most certainly end up manipulated by crooks who would take advantage of my lack of experience.People would mock me/ laugh at me/take me for a fool for not realizing that all that fame is artificial and fake.

5.Game: What if ....

Homework: enjoy your revisions:)))

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